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Professional Review of Book 2 Fallen Race: The Celestial Clock, Action and Conspiracy

Hubre De Klerk

In It Together VIP

Review of Fallen Race: the Celestial Clock, Action and Conspiracy

(Suggested edits have been corrected)

Post 22 Jun 2023, 09:41

[Following is an official review of "Fallen Race: The Celestial Clock" by Melissa Saulnier.]

4 out of 5 stars


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Knowledge is power, and there’s a constant fight to have the most power. Some will even kill to have it and hide the knowledge from others. Now what happens when you have all the proof that there were beings on Earth long before humans came to be? With more and more mysteries getting revealed, there are those who want to hide the discoveries and keep them for themselves, and they would stop at nothing to reach their goals. One of the most fascinating discoveries is the possibility of creating an interdimensional gateway to a parallel universe and other planets. If they could be successful in this, what would be waiting on the other side, or could they possibly be able to cross over to Earth?

Be prepared to experience a mind-blowing experience that will tilt your world as you know it! This book is written with so many details and clear descriptions that you can’t help but believe the possibility of events in it. The author is a fantastic and creative writer who keeps you hooked from the start right through to the end of her books. There is no way to predict what is going to happen next. This is one of my favorite books of hers.


Except for the grammar errors, (MISSING QUOTATIONS) there were absolutely no other errors that I spotted, which means that the book has undergone extensive editing. Except for this point, there was absolutely nothing I disliked about this book. I would rate Fallen Race: The Celestial Clock by Melissa Saulnier 4 out of 5 stars. There was no reason to deduct another star, and I would proudly give this book a perfect score once the final errors have been sorted. (EDITS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED)


This book is the sequel to the Fallen Race trilogy. It works perfectly as a stand-alone book, but the first book, The Fallen Race: The Inheritance, does give you an amazing load of information and explains in depth the backstory about the history of previous beings and how the characters got together. I enjoyed the history aspect entirely, where it usually becomes a bit lacking, but in neither of these two books does it slow the books down. The book is full of action from the start, amazing technology, and conspiracy mysteries. If this sounds like something that interests you, you will definitely love this book!





Von dem Moment an, als ich das Buch aufschlug, war ich fasziniert. Der Autor verwebt Fakten, Fiktion, Wissenschaft und das Übernatürliche gekonnt zu einer Geschichte voller Intrigen und Geheimnisse. Die Charaktere sind fesselnd. Die Geschichte ist fesselnd – von den alten megalithischen Strukturen Italiens bis zu den jüngeren, moderneren Küsten Amerikas. Alles in allem warte ich gespannt auf das nächste Buch der Reihe.




Die Autorin Melissa Saulnier entführt Sie in Kaira Munroes aufregende neue Realität, wo sie auf eine Reise gezwungen wird, die alle Grenzen des Entdeckens und Glaubens sprengt. Dieser Autor wickelt Geheimnisse, Intrigen und tiefgründige Geschichte um ein episches Geschenk, das eine Großmutter ihrer Enkelin gemacht hat. Beeindruckend ist, wie viel Wissen nötig ist, um Kairas Geschichte zu erzählen! Ich bin einfach überwältigt und freue mich riesig auf Melissas nächstes Buch!



Als ich anfing, dieses Buch zu lesen, fiel es mir schwer, es aus der Hand zu legen. Ich habe dieses Buch geliebt! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis die anderen veröffentlicht werden! Super einfache, unterhaltsame, verdrehte Lektüre! Es fiel mir so schwer, es aus der Hand zu legen.





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