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Get Your Book Into a Manuscript

With This Step By Step Guide!


4-Week Book Builder


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the challenge of organizing your thoughts so you can structure your book? A daily step-by-step course might be the solution you’ve been searching for. A series of steps is more than just a learning device; it’s a powerful framework that can guide you through a process by focusing on one piece of the puzzle at a time.

Click here to join 4-Week Book Builder

Each Day you'll focus on one step: 

  • Genre, Structure, & Point of View

  • Main Plot & Subplots

  • Elements of Storytelling

  • Resolution, Climax, & Inciting Incident,

  • Manuscript, Book Plan, & Characters,

  • Types of Editing

Why Choose the 4-Week Book Builder?

  1. Clarity and Structure: Daily steps provide a straightforward outline for content, making it easier for writers to tell the story.

  2. Memorability: A good book's nature depends on how well the content moves in a readable structure.  These books are memorable long after the reader has finished reading the book. 

  3. Editing Your Manuscript: Step-by-step learning can allow you to discover manuscripts and formatting, and make your book uploadable to places like Amazon and Barnes and Noble online selling sites. 

  4. Guides: You'll receive guides and videos each week to move you forward including 6 PDF guides and 4 short motivational videos. 

Week 1
Week 3
Week 2
Week 4
Inspirational Book Builder Week One
Inspirational Book Builder Week Two
Inspirational Book Builder Week Three
Week 1 Recap
Week 2 Recap
Week 3 Recap
Week 4 Recap
Weekly Calendar
Monthly Calendar
Book Builder Outline Workbook
Book Plan

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