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3. Ancient Historical Legends: Connecting the Giant Dots

Connecting the Giant Dots
Connecting the Giant Dots

Echoes from the past tell of similar strong legends about the deluge, gods, demi-gods, and giant beings. Why do so many legends echo an unexplained ancestral inheritance linked to Atlantean mythology? It sounds like crazy talk to most people but it surely intrigues the mind. To start, I'll make a list of legends and where they originate, connecting the giant dots.

  1. Quiche Maya - polytheist cultures remembering creepy gods and demigods as serpents. Historian Don Carlos De Siguenza concluded from ancient Central American manuscripts that Aztecs descended from the Toltecs, who descended from the mysterious Olmecs, who were thought to have come from Atlantis.

  2. The Aztecs recorded a people of antediluvian age who refused to worship the gods and were destroyed by a flood. Only Tata and his wife Nena were warned by the god Tlaloc who gave them a great log (ark?)

  3. Chinese legends record Euhhi escaping the flood with his wife, three sons, and three daughters after a terrible war lord ripped holes in the sky, drowning the people.

  4. Japanese scholars record Taiwanese accounts which tell a story that includes warnings from gods and a great flood.

  5. Charles Etienne Brasseur a French abbot discovered and translated Popul Vuh into French in 1864 C.E. The Popul Vuh wrote of destruction of a continent believed to be Atlantis and it was believed that the Aztec creator god, Quetzalcoatl came from Atlantis. Bird Serpent. Popul Vuh was written partly from memory and partly from the sacred books of the Quiche Mayan, Book of Princes. The Aztecs declared that their capitol city, Tenochtitlan, was designed after the lost homeland which was described as Atlantis.

  6. Central and South American religions contain many creator gods. The creation epic of the Incas contains records of the god Veracocha creating giants from stone. The giants were benevolent at first but later became violent and corrupt. Ignatius Donnelly believed a great part of Central American antediluvian history pertains to the activities of a race of giants known as Quinames.

  7. Australian mythology records a spirit people called Nurrumbunguttias who came from the sky. They lived on earth with humanity. They were an advanced race who ruled over the earth. This myth is eerily close to biblical, Atlantean, Greek, Mesopotamian, Indian, Chinese and American mythology.

  8. North American tribe of Arikara remember a legend where the Great Sky Chief, Nishano, created giants. When the giants became violent, the Great Sky Spirit destroyed them in a flood.

  9. The Hopi remember the same tradition as the North American tribe of Arikara, however, their tradition is more like the Atlantean account. The Hopi claim their ancestors were reared by a great Snake clan, who escaped from their island homeland during a flood and their migration was made possible by enlightened leadership of Pahana, White Brother.

  10. In Mediterranean legends, Atlanteans controlled parts of Egypt, Europe, Central America, and South America.

  11. The Antediluvian world seems to have been populated by three or four great civilizations all led by giants. Red Skinned (Atlantean) Aryans (Sumerian) and Black Skinned (Mu) from the Nile Valley and Yellow Skinned India (Dvaraka - ruins under the sea). The Golden age of Greek, Atlantean, Indian, and Egyptian mythology is a common theme.

About Giants and their Reign:

  1. Mahabalipuram - The City of the Giant, Bali.

  2. Bali's dynasty was succeeded by Banasura also portrayed as a giant.

  3. Malecheran succeeded Banasura and was transported to the divine court of Indra - Nippur, the grand Council of the Anunnaki.

  4. India held to nine Brahmadikas along with Brahma the leader. Ten giants called Sons of Heaven.

  5. Chinese had ten divine antediluvian emperors (giants called Miaotse) and ten Immortal emperors.

  6. Giants figure into the Celtic and Scandinavian mythology. Giants were in opposition as enemies to gods.

  7. Norse legends depict builder giants that assisted in great feats in the antediluvian world. They eerily echo Cain and his descendants, Sumerian gods and giants, and the Atlantean Companions of Horus. They lived on an island paradise in Norse legends.

  8. Irish and Welsh legends articulate a history of giants who would have been the divine children of a matriarchal goddess, making them a Nephilim race (God-Human Hybrids) They had the ability of magic with human personalities that killed, got drunk, acted jealous, and committed adultery in the legends. They were described as driving out Formorians who were also giants and monsters descending from Noah.

While I am first and foremost a writer of FICTION, in truth, the echoes of Atlantis are like a choir shouting to us from the past, telling us there is validity to the antediluvian epoch, their people and their achievements, both good and evil.

Fallen Race: The Inheritance


Fallen Race: The Celestial Clock

Author Melissa Saulnier - Connecting Giant Dots
Author Melissa Saulnier - Connecting Giant Dots

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