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FBI Surveillance Chapter 2

Miles BMW pulled up to the curb next to Lexi’s building. “Mornin sunshine” he said as she slid into the seat. “Did you get some sleep?” He turned the radio down.

“Do I look that bad? I had dreams.” That was all she needed to say. Miles knew about her stress induced dreams.

“I didn’t say you looked bad. I asked if you got some sleep.” Miles grinned at her. “We’ll stop for coffee.”

“I couldn’t sleep so I dressed and looked through the file. I can’t lie, it was difficult.”

“Yeah. Me too. I don’t want to say anything to Josephine yet, but we may have to move them to a safe house.”

“Have any ideas?” Lexi didn’t question his thoughts. She had read the file fresh with new Intel.

“We have a safe house here in L.A. Close. We can keep an eye on them.”

“Let’s start there. They’ve become settled in her family home. It’s going to be hard to tell her the news.” Lexi’s eyes told him how much she cared for her friend. She was loyal to the bone.

In the heart of the Los Angeles BAU office, Special Agents Lexi Hunter and Miles Quinn strode into the conference room. An undercurrent of anticipation filled the air as the agents prepped for a high-stakes briefing regarding the notorious cult leader, Steven Roberts.

Gathered around the sleek conference table, a team of dedicated agents with a shared goal awaited the revelation of new intel. The intense low conversation and rustle of folders evoked a sense of urgency, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Lexi and Miles sat together at the end of the table.

Lexi placed the file in front of her. Memories of that deadly operation in Cave Junction, Oregon, laced the edges of her thoughts. The shadows of their harrowing experience cast a long and treacherous road. Lexi wondered if she would ever truly heal from the wounds that were inflicted upon her very soul. Maybe not, but she had become better FBI Agent.

Supervisory Special Agent in Charge, Tom Crown, took his place at the front of the room, exuding an aura of authority and unwavering command. As he spoke, the room fell into a sober silence.

"Agents, we have received critical intelligence," Agent Crown declared, his voice filled with steel. "Steven Roberts, the cult leader behind the kidnapping of Josephine Barton, has left us a message."

A murmur of anger rippled through the room. All eyes locked onto the screen, displaying a chilling message from Roberts. A crumpled piece of paper filled the screen. It read, “You have something that belongs to me. I want it back.”

Agent Crown continued, his tone like steel, "Our primary objective is to ensure the safety of Josephine and Angel while bringing Roberts to justice. His wicked game ends now."

With the briefing in full swing, Agent Crown shared the new intel. “Roberts was last seen in Mexico with what we think are some of his followers. We also think he’s working with cartel. The stakes have raised.”

Tom had an assistant pass around a strategy brief.

“In the high-stakes world we live and work within, the complexities of bringing a fugitive to justice transcends our casual understanding. But many of you are highly experienced operatives who share insights on the task at hand,” …Tom paused thoughtfully before continuing. “Capturing Steven Roberts, a man with deep ties to a formidable drug cartel., will have many variables at play. This operation will be more like a chess match than a simple manhunt. So, keep that in mind.”

“Roberts is not just any suspect; he’s embedded in a criminal organization that may operate with a level of sophistication that makes any interference risky. His extensive network of contacts and ability to evade law enforcement have made him a ghost in the eyes of authorities. The first step in fortifying this operation is to understand Roberts’ daily patterns and behaviors. By doing so, we’ll be able to anticipate his moves, allowing us to craft an effective strategy.”

Tom looked at Mike and Lexi. “And you two will be in charge of keeping Josephine and Angel safe while we work the plan. You’ll establish a Safe Zone. Understand the immediacy of the threat. You’ll need to work quickly to establish a secure environment. This involves relocating them to a safe house. The safe house is equipped with security features, including surveillance cameras and reinforced entry points.”

“Sir,” Miles broke in, “Are you saying we’ll be on site with them until Roberts is restrained?”

“We believe it’s best that you both remain on-site, providing a constant presence. This will deter any potential breach. Throughout this process, we want you to maintain communication with Josephine and Angel, helping the two of them feel empowered rather than forced into a situation of fear. Are we all on the same page?”

“Yes sir.” The entire room sounded their acknowledgment.

FBI Chapter 2

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